Campaign Manager - Creative Builder

Look-Up Tables Overview

Look-up tables are separate lists or spreadsheets that can be used to add or modify content to creatives, this could be text, images, web links etc.

This allows non CM or EM users to add or modify textual content by editing the associated spreadsheet which is then uploaded.


A Location column in the data holds the locations relevant to each customer e.g. US, UK or Australia.

By using a Look-up table in conjunction with this Location column, we can drive dynamic content in the creative.

In our example, the content could be the local office, address details, phone number or manager for each location etc.

Each of these details are held in separate columns in the Look-up table with the Key column of the Look-up table holding the locations that match the Location column in the data.

By inserting variables into the creative, each piece of relevant information can be displayed for each recipient, based on their specific location.

A look up table can be created manually or the data can be imported directly from a .CSV or Excel file.

See also:

Adding a New Look-Up Table

Editing a Look-Up Table

Deleting a Look-Up Table

Exporting a Look-Up Table

Using Look-Up Tables in Variables

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